
2015-2020 中央财经大学 bwin必赢 获得管理学博士学位
2011-2015 中央财经大学 bwin必赢 获得管理学学士学位
2020年至今 北京工商大学 bwin必赢 工商管理系任教
(1) Zhengda Xu; Heqi Jia ; The Influence of COVID-19 on Entrepreneur's Psychological Well-Being, Frontiers in Psychology, 2022, 12(1): 1-11.
(2) Heqi Jia; Zhengda Xu; Song Lin; Feng Jiang ; Does persistence make you healthy? An empirical study on female entrepreneurs from China, BMC Women's Health, 2021, 21(1).
(3) Song Lin; Zhengda Xu ; The factors that influence the development of entrepreneurship education Based on the case of China, Management Decision, 2017, 7(55): 1351-1370 .
(4) 林嵩; 徐正达 ; 宗教捐赠行为与创业企业规模——基于控制幻觉理论的解释, 经济管理, 2017, (11): 100-115.
(5) 徐正达;贾贺棋;林嵩;最小的孩子最叛逆?创业者出生顺序与颠覆式创新关系的研究,科技进步与对策,录用待刊.
Zhengda Xu, born in 1993, Ph.D. He graduated from Central University of Finance and Economics with a Management Bachelor’s Degree in 2015 and with a Ph.D. in Management in 2020. In 2017, he made an academic visit to Montclair State University in the United States. In September 2020, Dr. Xu joined the Business School of Beijing Technology and Business University. He has published many papers in Economic Management, Management Decision, etc., and some papers have been reprinted by the full text of the China People's University publication. Dr. Xu had participated in many domestic and international high-level academic conferences and presented academic speeches. He has participated in a number of research projects funded by the NSFC. His main research interests include Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Strategy, Project Entrepreneurship, etc.