
王力军,博士、副教授、硕士生导师、北京工商大学中国创业投资研究中心常务副主任,兼任国家新兴产业创业投资引导基金专家咨询委员会成员、中国股权与创业投资专业委员会学术委员会委员、中国中小企业协会创业服务工作委员会专家委员。主要从事私募股权与创业投资、公司财务等领域的研究与教学工作。出版专著《上市公司代理问题、投资者保护与公司价值》,编著《股权投资教程》。在《经济研究》、《China & World Economy》、《南开管理评论》、《财务研究》、《证券市场导报》等核心期刊发表论文20余篇,主持完成北京市自然科学基金课题1项、北京市教委社科面上项目1项,中国股权与创业投资专业委员会、国家开发投资集团有限公司等社会机构委托课题10余项。2008年曾赴香港浸会大学参加教学师资培训,2009年曾赴美国明尼苏达大学访问学习,2014年曾赴美国杜克大学访问学习。曾荣获北京市教育教学成果奖一等奖、北京工商大学优秀教师、北京工商大学优秀研究生导师、北京工商大学优秀硕士学位论文指导教师等荣誉称号。
Wang Li Jun, associate professor of financial management at the Business School of Beijing Technology and Business University, Supervisor of master students, Standing deputy director of China venture capital research center. Member of the Expert Advisory Committee of the National Emerging Industry Venture Capital Guidance Fund, Member of the Academic Committee of China Venture Capital and Private Equity Association, Expert Member of Entrepreneurship Service Committee of China Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. He teaches Corporate Finance, Private Equity and Venture Capital for undergraduate and graduate students, and conducts research in corporate finance with particular emphasis in private equity and venture capital. He has published an academic book, a textbook and several articles in important academic journals. Professor Wang has also been a visitor scholar in The University of Minnesota at 2009, a Senior visiting scholar in Duke University at 2014. He received a master degree in Economics from The Central University of Finance and Economics in 2001 and a PhD degree in Business Management from Nankai University in 2006. He has won the first prize of Beijing Education and Teaching Achievement Award, Excellent Teacher of BTBU, Excellent Graduate Supervisor of BTBU, Excellent Master's Thesis Instructor of BTBU.