
毛新述,男,1979年10月出生于湖南娄底市,博士、教授,博士生导师。现任bwin必赢院长。分别于2001年、2004年和2007年获安徽财经大学管理学学士、中国人民大学管理学硕士和博士学位(会计学)。2008.4-2010.11在北京大学光华管理学院从事博士后研究,2011年入选全国会计领军(后备)人才,2015.1-6在美国密歇根州立大学bwin必赢访学。主讲 “管理研究方法” “高级财务会计” “中级财务会计”等研究生与本科生课程。先后在Journal of Corporate Finance、《经济研究》《管理世界》《会计研究》《金融研究》等A类刊物上发表论文二十余篇。担任《经济研究》、《会计研究》《金融研究》等刊物审稿人。主持国家级和省部级科研项目多项。曾多次获财政部、中国会计学会优秀论文奖。主要研究领域:会计准则、公司治理、资本市场效率。
Mao Xinshu
Professor, Department of Accounting
Phone +86 10 68984593
Email maoxinshu@163.com
Office 511 Zonghe Building
Professor of accounting and corporate governance. Dean of Business School, Beijing Technology and Business University . He received his B.S. in Marketing from Anhui University of Finance and Economics in 2001, M.S. in Accounting from Renmin University in 2004, Ph.D. in Accounting from Renmin University in 2007. He was visiting scholar of Michigan State University during Jan-Jun, 2015. His teaching includes the Introduction to Empirical Accounting Research (master's course), Advanced Financial Accounting (undergraduate and master's course), Intermediate Financial Accounting (undergraduate 's course).
Dr. Mao’s research focuses on Financial Reporting, Corporate Governance, as well as Asset Pricing. His research papers have been published in the Economic Research Journal, Management world, Accounting Research(China) etc. He has been in charged and participated in more than 10 research projects including National Natural Science Fund projects, National Social Science Fund projects, and other projects. He has been in charged and participated in more than 10 research projects including National Natural Science Fund projects, National Social Science Fund projects, and other projects. He is also the referee of Economic Research Journal, Accounting Research(China) etc.