
2014.09-2018.06对外经济贸易大学国际bwin必赢 会计学 获管理学博士学位
2016.08-2017.08美国佛罗里达大学(University of Florida),国家留学基金委(CSC)公派联合培养博士生
2011.09-2014.06西南财经大学会计学院 会计学 获管理学硕士学位
2007.09-2011.06郑州大学水利与环境学院 水利工程 获工学学士学位
2019.10- bwin必赢副教授、硕士生导师
2018.07-2019.09 bwin必赢讲师
2021.08-2022.09 中国社会科学院经济研究所访问学者
[1] Xu Lou, Aimin Qian and Chenyu Zhang. Do CEO’s Political Promotion Incentives Influence the Value of Cash Holdings: Evidence from State Owned Enterprises in China. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 2021, 68(9), 101617.
[2] Yuhua Zheng, Xiaoyang Sun, Chenyu Zhang, Daojuan Wang and Ju Mao. Can Emission Trading Scheme Improve Carbon Emission Performance? Evidence from China. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2021, 9, 759572.
[3] Chenyu Zhang, Aimin Qian and Xiangyan Shi. The Effect of Affiliated Analysts on Stock Recommendations: Evidence from Share Pledges in China. China Journal of Accounting Research, 2020, 13(1), 79-107.
[4] Danlu Bu, Chenyu Zhang, Teng Lin and Fang Hu. Political Uncertainty, Institutions and Accounting Conservatism: Evidence from the Provincial Leader Turnover in China. Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting, 2020, 49(4), 395-426.
[5] 王斌、黄娜、张晨宇,中国上市公司股权激励:现状与讨论,《财务研究》2022年1期.
[6] 张晨宇、武剑锋,大股东股权质押加剧了信息披露违规吗,《外国经济与管理》2020年第5期.
[7] 步丹璐、张晨宇、王晓艳,补助初衷与配置效率,《会计研究》2019年第7期. 人大复印资料《财务与会计导刊》理论版2019年第11期全文转载.
[8] 钱爱民、张晨宇,股权质押与信息披露策略,《会计研究》2018年第12期.
[9] 步丹璐、张晨宇、林腾,晋升预期降低了国有企业薪酬差距吗,《会计研究》2017年第1期.
[10] 钱爱民、张晨宇,政策不确定性、会计信息质量与银行信贷合约,《中国软科学》2016年第11期.
[11] 钟昀珈、张晨宇、陈德球,国企民营化与企业创新效率:促进还是抑制,《财经研究》2016年第7期.人大复印资料《管理科学》2016年第10期全文转载.
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,股票质押式回购交易视角下关联证券分析师行为研究,项目号:71902006,2020.01-2022.12,主持
[2] 北京市教委人文社科项目,大股东股票质押式回购交易的动机及其经济后果研究,项目号:SM202010011007,2020.01-2022.12,主持
[3] 北京工商大学青年教师科研启动基金项目,环保约谈与企业创新策略,项目号:QNJJ2019-36,2019.01-2020.12,主持
Chenyu Zhang, was born in Henan province in 1989. He received his B.S. in Engineering from Zhengzhou University in 2011, Master in Accounting from Southwest University of Finance and Economic in 2014, Ph.D. in Accounting from University of International Business and Economic in 2018. He was a visiting scholar of University of Florida from Aug, 2016 to Aug, 2017. He joined Business School, Beijing Technology and Business University in 2018 and teaches Accounting and Intermediate Financial Accounting for undergraduate students. His papers have been published in the China Journal of Accounting Studies、International Research Journal of Applied Finance, Accounting Research(China), China Soft Science, Journal of Finance and Economics(China), China Accounting Review etc. He has been participated in a number of research projects including National Natural Science Fund projects and other projects. His research interesting is financial and accounting issues in capital market, government governance and corporate behavior.