
支春红,女, 副教授 , 毕业于北京交通大学, 获经济学硕士学位。先后担任中级财务会计、成本会计、会计学、中级财务会计实验等课程的教学工作,并作为中级财务会计实验课程的负责人。主编及参编了多部著作及教材几十万字,发表论文十余篇。参加及主持国家级及企业横向课题多项。
Zhi chunhong, female, associate professor, graduated from Beijing Jiaotong University with a master's degree in economics. Successively she took on the teaching work of intermediate financial accounting, cost accounting, accounting, intermediate financial accounting experiment and other courses, and acted as director of intermediate financial accounting experiment course. She has edited and participated in the compilation of several works and textbooks with hundreds of thousands of words, and published more than ten papers, she participated and took charge of the research of national projects and enterprise projects.